
Connecting Kids to the Right Schools


Avela’s mission is to allocate resources and match individuals to opportunities. With the focus on education where they want to empower school districts to offer choice to parents finding the right fit for their children. Our team of 4 UX Designers created features to further the user’s experience on the school finder service based on actual research.


My role was the UX Designer/Researcher to make key decisions during the design process with research in mind from user interviews and worked with my team to exchange feedback with the Avela members.



Parents need a better way to find a school for their children that best fits their busy lifestyle

Design a mobile first school finder web application based on research data of Avela target users in the U.S.

Our approach


To discover the pain points from a parents perspective we conducted user interviews and researched the competitor school finder’s.

User research

Understanding the potential Avela users.



From our research, we discovered a few insights, including parents wanting reviews and concern for bullies within the school. From here, we analyzed the data and created personas.

15 interviewees (20-40 mins each 1 on 1 interview)

Parents who have selected a school before or for the first time between the ages of 25-45 from different socioeconomic backgrounds

We tried to find out…

  • How do users get reviews for schools?

  • How was their last enrollment experience like?

  • What criteria is important when selecting a school?



Between teammates, we had a wide range of ideas having us brainstorm and ideate in multiple sessions. Combining all ideas, we then moved towards a prototype to polish in the testing phase.


To centralize all of this information we gathered all research data in 1 document so the client can refer back to it.

After conducting the interviews and identifying the need patterns, we categorized some of the trends we discovered through affinity mapping. To further explore the emotions a parent might experience during the enrollment process, we created a journey map to display some of the emotions described during the 1:1 interviews.

We created the persona of Marcia, who represents a large portion of busy parents who don’t have enough time to do research on schools. She is familiar with the tedious process of applying for schools and the waiting lists. She needs to find extracurricular activities, academic ratings, and reviews so she can pick the right school.

What do Avela’s users want for the school finder experience?

  • Users find extra value in reading other parent’s reviews for a school

  • Users want to be able to compare schools

  • Users prefer an easy enrollment process for their child

Refining design

What users think about Avela’s experience?

We conducted a usability test with 12 users for 2 rounds remotely. We provided tasks for them to complete.


  • Check the ratings/reviews of a school

  • Apply to a school that has a STEM program

  • Compare 2 schools

  • Find a catholic school

What worked?

  • Intuitive navigation for the bottom 3 icons

  • Adding a preference button to the home screen to refine searches

  • A share button to increase engagement between users

What didn’t work?

Added review stars for better comparison

Changed hiearchy of filter styles

Changed compare button to an icon with label

Implemented a share button to allow for more engagement

Through our research, we helped the Avela team understand some of the pain points parents have during the school enrollment process. Initially, I personally expected there to be some resistance to the pivot we proposed to Abrey (Lead Engineer) but it surprised me to see our client being very receptive and open-minded. He understood the reasoning and research backing up the pivot and was all for it. Our team met with Abrey and Sophia (Product designer) outside of our normal sprint meetings a couple of times to have continual discussions about our project. Being able to build a good collaboration with Greg/Abrey/Sophia helped us to have open, clear communication throughout our entire project.

Outcomes and results

Try out the Avela school finder experience

Next steps

  • Create a responsive web application for desktop and tablet

  • Create a user account system

  • Allow users to enroll to a school within the application rather than third-party

  • Create a native app

  • Diversity and inclusion on the filters page and school card page

Project learnings


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